This now abandoned hospital was built in the late 1950s as a hospital to treat patients suffering from tuberculosis. As a result of the disease's decline in Germany, it was never put in use for its original purpose. It became one of the first rehablilitation clinics in the state to treat genereal illnesses such as coronary diseases or gastrointnestinal conditions.
In the 1990s, the owner invested more than 20 million Deutsche Mark for a new therapy and sleeping ward.
About ten years ago, the hospital was closed due to the merger with another hospital in the region.
At the time of its closing, the hospital had about 10.000 square meters of floor space, almost 200 beds, more than 100 parking spaces, four residential houses, two apartment houses, a villa and a large park with its own lake.
First gallery from 2016-05-08, second gallery from 2016-05-16.