Castles & Mansions

Presenting 52 Castles, Chateaus, Villas & Mansions...

They told of dripping stone walls in uninhabited castles and of ivy-clad monastery ruins by moonlight, of locked inner rooms and secret dungeons, dank charnel houses and overgrown graveyards, of footsteps creaking upon staircases and fingers tapping at casements, of howlings and shriekings, groanings and scuttlings and the clanking of chains, of hooded monks and headless horseman, swirling mists and sudden winds, insubstantial specters and sheeted creatures, vampires and bloodhounds, bats and rats and spiders, of men found at dawn and women turned white-haired and raving lunatic, and of vanished corpses and curses upon heirs.

- Susan Hill

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Baroque Castle J.
Baroque Castle J.
Castle Hedera
Castle Hedera
Medieval Castle A.
Medieval Castle A.

Neo-Gothic Castle P.
Neo-Gothic Castle P.
Neo-Classical Castle R.
Neo-Classical Castle R.
Neo-Gothic Castle G.
Neo-Gothic Castle G.

Neo-Gothic Castle L.
Neo-Gothic Castle L.
Neorenaissance Castle R.
Neorenaissance Castle R.
Castle D.
Maison D.

Maison S.
Maison S.
Maison T.
Maison T.
Villa Woodstock
Maison A. (Villa Woodstock)

Estate House R.
Estate House R.
House of the Hunter
House of the Hunter
The Baron's Castle
The Baron's Castle

Baroque Castle I.
Baroque Castle I.
Neo-Gothic Castle B.
Neo-Gothic Castle B.
Villa Wonka
Villa Wonka

Villa Weltfrieden
Villa Weltfrieden
Factory Owner's Villa H.
Factory Owner's Villa H.
Chateau K.
Chateau K.

Castle T.
Castle T.
Castle M.
Castle M.
House of Wheelchairs
House of Wheelchairs

Vampire Castle S.
Vampire Castle S.
Chateau Sacrale
Chateau Sacrale
Maison V.
Maison V.

Castle V.
Castle V.
Castle "Charlotte's Valley"
Castle "Charlotte's Valley"
Abandoned Villa "Red Room" in Kiel
Villa "Red Room"

The Moorish Estate built by Martin Gropius
The Moorish Estate
Maison Mouton
Maison Mouton
Maison Hotel
Maison Hotel

Maison T. [Revisit]
Maison T. [Revisit]
The Baron's Castle
The Baron's Castle [Revisit]
Castle "Crown of the Land"
Castle "Crown of the Land"

Maison Facade
Maison Facade
Knight's Manor W.
Knight's Manor W.
Knight's Manor N.
Knight's Manor N.

Neo-Gothic Castle P. [Revisit]
Neo-Gothic Castle P. [Revisit]
Villa "Roadside"
Villa "Roadside"
Castle G.
Castle G.

Villa "Lakeside"
Villa "Lakeside"
The Movie Castle
The Movie Castle
Knight's Manor "The Blue Estate"
Knight's Manor "The Blue Estate"

The Poetic Villa
The Poetic Villa
Estate House N.
Estate House N.
Estate House No.11
Estate House No.11

Maison "Miller"
Maison "Miller"
Knight's Manor "Blue Sky"
Knight's Manor "Blue Sky"
Hunting Chateau "Top of the Hill"
Hunting Chateau "Top of the Hill"

The Villa at the Edge of Town
The Villa at the Edge of Town
Chateau "Ornament"
Chateau "Ornament"
Chateau by the River
Chateau by the River

Estate House "Field of Reeds"
Estate House "Field of Reeds"

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