Trespassing Into History

You might say I'm a collector. I collect rare objects. Facts, stories...I travel the roads of Germany seeking its heart.

Featured Photo | March 24, 2025

No man ever wetted clay and then left it, as if there would be bricks by chance and fortune.


Abandoned Brick Factory in Germany
Abandoned Brick Factory in Germany

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Baroque Graveyard O.

Baroque Cemetery in Obhausen, Germany

The cemetery at the church of St. Johannis in Obhausen is small, but has various special features. The fact that it has been reduced in size can be seen from the brick wall that now borders it to the south.

To the west of the church, next to the entrance, there is an enchanted-looking burial ground with dark tendrils growing up the neighboring courtyard building.

On the opposite side, there is a collection of grave crosses from abandoned graves, but the special feature of the cemetery are the sarcophagus-like graves to the south of the church....(more)

Hotel "Lampshade"

Abandoned Hotel in Germany

Somewhere on the outskirts of a small village in the Thuringian Forest stands an abandoned relic of socialist tourism in the former GDR.


The vacation home was built in 1984 as an FDGB vacation home and, with its 480 places, offered over 10,000 guests a year a place to rest and relax. After reunification and only 5 more years of operation, the vacation home could no longer be maintained and closed again in the early 1990s despite its wonderful views and exclusive location. An investor could not be found and the Treuhand had not complied with the requirements. ...(more)

Moving Pictures

New Video: The Gravel Pit | 03/2025


Tour Report: Gunpowder Factory "Sands of War"

Published 2025-03-21

Abandoned Gunpowder Factory

Just two days after our discovery of the World War II execution site, we were already on our next excursion. Once again, the CoViD rules meant that only one tour was possible within the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. The weather was cloudy, but at least no rain was forecast, so we made our way to the “Besenhorster Sandbergen”, a nature reserve about 120 kilometers away, which is characterized by its dry, calcareous sandy grassland, its dunes and silver grass meadows as well as its old oak forests. Of course, we didn't just want to go there because of the beautiful nature, but there are also a few things to see there that will make your Urbex heart beat a little faster. There are numerous...(more)

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Urbex-Related News and Links [English/German]

Brandstiftung vermutet: Schloss Johannstorf bei Dassow abgebrannt

Bei Dassow hat ein Feuer das kulturgeschichtlich bedeutsame Schloss Johannstorf zerstört. Im unsanierten Zustand diente die historische Anlage als Filmkulisse für "Das weiße Band". Es wird Brandstiftung vermutet.

'No harm done' over Chelmsford murder house footage says explorer

An urban explorer who police want to question after footage of a murder scene was posted on social media today claimed: "I've done nothing wrong.'

How an urban explorer's grisly discovery led to a murder conviction

While exploring a derelict warehouse, James Fenton was totally unprepared for the gruesome discovery he was about to make.

Nach Großbrand im Hotel Gutsmann: Polizei ermittelt Brandursache

Am Montag (10.3.) hatte es in dem leerstehenden Hotel in Bad Bramstedt gebrannt. Rund 200 Einsatzkräfte waren vor Ort. Die Polizei ermittelt, ob es sich um vorsätzliche oder fahrlässige Brandstiftung handelt.

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