Trespassing Into History

You might say I'm a collector. I collect rare objects. Facts, stories...I travel the roads of Germany seeking its heart.

Featured Photo | December 19, 2024

"Celebrations infuse life with passion and purpose. They summon the human spirit."

(Terrence E. Deal)

Abandoned Sanatorium in Germany
Abandoned Sanatorium in Germany


Anti-Aircraft Missile Site FRA-134

Abandoned Anti-Aircraft Missile Site Germany

Near Steffenshagen, in the far north of Brandenburg, the remains of the anti-aircraft missile division 134 can be found. This division was initially equipped with the S-75 Dwina missile, then from the early 1970s with the S 75 Wolchow air defense missile and belonged to the AA missile regiment 13.


The structure of the object is basically similar to all other S-75 divisions of the army and air defense of the NVA (National People's Army of the GDR).

It is divided into the accomodation area, the technical area and the firing position about 1 km away. ...(more)

Soviet Maintenance Unit P.

Soviet Maintenance Unit near Parchim, Germany

During the GDR era, a Soviet maintenance unit was located north of Parchim airfield, which was closely linked to the military activities at the airfield and possibly also to the nuclear weapons depot believed to be located there.


These units had a variety of tasks, especially in a strategically important military area such as Parchim.

As the Parchim airfield was a fairly important Soviet military airfield, aircraft stationed there, especially fighter planes and transport aircraft, were regularly serviced.


The unit to the north was probably ...(more)

Moving Pictures

New Video: Hard Target - The "Kanonenjagdpanzer" | 08/2024


Tour Report: Foundry B.

Published 2024-12-11

Abandoned Foundry in Germany

At the end of February 2020, the “coronavirus spectre” really haunted Germany. Uncertainty was high, incidences were rising, and there was growing evidence that a lockdown was more or less imminent. At this point, I suggested to my wife that we take a short weekend trip before travel was restricted and the opportunity would only arise again at an unknown time in the future.

So we spontaneously booked a hotel in a small town that we'd had on our list as a possible destination for a while - not too far away, well laid out and with lots of deserted places nearby......(more)

Urbex News and More

Urbex-Related News and Links [English/German]

Zwei Menschen nach Stürzen in "Lost Place" verletzt

Zwei Männer sind im Ex-Kulturhaus "X 50" in Schkopau innerhalb von zwei Tagen abgestürzt und haben sich dabei verletzt. Sie sind davor unerlaubt auf das Gelände eingedrungen. Die Polizei ermittelt gegen die beiden nun wegen Hausfriedensbruch.

Step inside Germany's spookiest abandoned places (if you dare)

Germany's history is fascinating, marked by both dark times and great achievements. Along the way, many buildings, bridges and bunkers have all borne witness to significant events from the country’s past, and these 31 abandoned places have lived to tell the tale – but only just.

43 abandoned places around the world that are eerily beautiful

From the jungles of central Java to Scottish-style castles in New York, there's a lot of abandoned places around the world that are eerily beautiful and it's OK to be awed and creeped out at the same time

„Lost Place“ in Thüringen: Vom Spuk-Sanatorium zum AfD-Zentrum? Politiker fasst Plan

Die AfD möchte das ehemalig als Sanatorium genutzte Schwarzeck in Thüringen für sich beanspruchen, aber Hindernisse behindern den Plan.

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